Thank you for being there for me always, Grandma.

Earlier this year, I lost both of my maternal grandparents to Covid.  They passed away 2.5 days apart of one another.  I was devastated because my grandma was my first best friend.  She was always there for me, every step of the way.  And in the end, I couldn’t even be there for her when she took her last breath because of Covid restrictions. 

Today, I’d like to share a semi-funny and embarrassing incident that happened to me.  This happened during my first week of my freshman year in High School.  Growing up, our family was very protective of us.  From pre-k all the way through junior high, we weren’t allowed to walk to school alone or with our friends.  Our grandma would walk us to school every day and picked us up every day, from pre-k all through 6th grade, rain, or shine.  Our grandma didn’t know how to drive.  When we started Jr High, it was too far of a trek for her so my mom would pick us up and drop us off every day.  I suppose they were worried that we’d either ditch school with our friends or get kidnapped.  We were very sheltered growing up.  While our friends started to watch “grown up” shows like Party of 5 or Beverly Hills 90210, we were fighting for the remote so we can catch our favorite afternoon cartoons!

Finally, when I started high school, my high school was a brisk 10-minute walk from home.  During my first week, my cousins that lived on a different street had forgotten to swing by and pick me up on the way so we could walk together.  For the first time in my life, I felt like I finally had some freedom, I was “forced” to walk to school alone.  But with my luck, not even half a block away from home, I walked by a car with the windows rolled down and I happened to turn my head to look, I saw a man with his genitals in full view and he was touching himself.  At 13 years old, I was mortified!!  I started to walk faster when I suddenly heard his car start.  I truly thought that this was how my life was going to end.  I thought he was going to kidnap me and kill me because I saw him naked!!  But luckily, he drove in the opposite direction that I was walking.  When I got to school, I was nearly in tears.  When I finally saw my cousins, I told them what happened, and they laughed at me. 

The next morning, I called my cousins to remind them to come pick me up so we could walk to school together.  However, on the following morning, I didn’t call, thinking they’d remember me, but they forgot about me, AGAIN!  I was so traumatized that I cried and said I didn’t want to go to school.  My grandma asked me why I was afraid to walk to school alone and I finally told her what happened.  She chuckled at me and walked me to school.  She held my hand all the way.  When we got to the end of our street, I told her I can walk the rest of the way, but she said it’s okay, I’ll walk you all the way.  My tiny little Grandma walked me all the way to the front steps of my high school, still holding my hand.  I was so embarrassed!  I wasn’t embarrassed of her, but I was embarrassed that I needed an adult to walk me to school.    

As I sit here, thinking of her, and missing her, I wish I could hold her hands now and never have to let go.  Anyone and everyone that has met my grandma, instantly fell in love with her.  She was the sweetest and cutest little old lady anyone has met.  No matter your gender, sexual preference or skin color, she’d speak to you in Cantonese and ask you if you’ve eaten yet and offer to feed you.        


  1. I am sorry for your loss, I know that whatever I say will not describe your pain and suffering for your loss. By your blog, your grandma seemed like a lovely person. Specially because she was there for you.

  2. I'm so sorry for your lose. But I'm glad you have such wonderful memories of the beautiful soul your grandma was. I lost a family during the pandemic as well. It's hard not to be able to be by there side.

  3. I'm really so so sorry for your loss. I have lost my grandma and grandpa the past 2 months, they both passed away and I know how you feel and everything. Your grandma was really a wonderful one and lovely person and she's always been for you. I really miss my grand parents because they always been there for me and they always want me happy and sad thing I wasn't able to go to the funeral because it was in Egypt and I'm here in the States... Good job on your blog!

  4. Best memories that will never be forgotten 💞

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. I've lost both of my grandpas, paternal and maternal, so I completely understand how you feel. No matter who you are or where you're from, I believe that everyone can agree that grandparents are literal gems and they deserve to be protected at all costs.

  6. I can definitely relate to your experiences with my own, and I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my grandma as well to Covid. It is definitely been a difficult year for many people. I hope you can stay strong and keep on living on.

  7. I appreciate you writing this article even when you're still grieving. Chinese parents always offer food to anyone and its how they show affection. Thanks for writing this.

  8. I am sorry for your loss. To me death is tough concept to handle. I lost my grandma and grandpa in 2020. It was a tough year all together. One to cancer and one to old age. My grandpa was 94. Great job on your post.

  9. I am sorry to hear about what has happened to your grandparents, I know too many people that are losing loved ones to the virus. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  10. Sorry for your loss. Seems like she was someone worth knowing. Thank you for sharing your story.

  11. I am really sorry for your loss. I know how you felt because I have also lost my grandma in the past and it was the worst feeling in the world. Thank you for sharing your beautiful moment about your grandma with us.

  12. Hey M-Tang,

    I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes its' better to think back to the good ol days than the present. Your story actually reminds me of when I used to walk home from school, except I did not have such a wild story lol. For me, I'd run into urban nature like a cat hunting a mouse and a road-killed skunk.


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