
Thank you for being there for me always, Grandma.

Earlier this year, I lost both of my maternal grandparents to Covid.   They passed away 2.5 days apart of one another.   I was devastated because my grandma was my first best friend.   She was always there for me, every step of the way.   And in the end, I couldn’t even be there for her when she took her last breath because of Covid restrictions.   Today, I’d like to share a semi-funny and embarrassing incident that happened to me.   This happened during my first week of my freshman year in High School.   Growing up, our family was very protective of us.   From pre-k all the way through junior high, we weren’t allowed to walk to school alone or with our friends.   Our grandma would walk us to school every day and picked us up every day, from pre-k all through 6 th grade, rain, or shine.   Our grandma didn’t know how to drive.   When we started Jr High, it was too far of a trek for her so my mom would pick us up and drop us off every day.   I suppose they were worried that we’d eithe